PSNStores Weekly Roundup: June 10th – 16th 2013 | PSNStores

PSNStores Weekly Roundup: June 10th – 16th 2013

Posted by on June 16th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags:

For fans of video games this week was like Christmas with the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2013 going on. All three major console manufactures were there showing off what games they will be bringing to market this year and beyond, and really set the path for what this next generation will be like. While all three showed off their best, it was no doubt in most gamers minds that the PS4 came out on top, showing off many amazing games, great console policy, and a big push for indies on their next console.  During Sony’s press conference they showed off eight great looking indie titles that will be making their console debut on the PS4. They also announced that PSN favorite Dead Nation will be coming to Vita along with TellTales The Walking Dead, with a new DLC chapter coming the summer for all versions of the game. Also during the press conference Supergiant Games let the world know that they will be bringing their newest title Transistor to the PS4 and Ubisoft announced they will (finally) be bringing the Trials series to PlayStation.

Not all of the game news was during  the press conference though as a new F2P Vita game Destiny of Spirits was shown prior to the show. Compulsion Games also announced Contrast for Vita and PS4 and new trailers were shown for Stealth Inc, DuckTales Remastered, and Dragon Fantasy Book II. Nick also got some hands on time with Cipher Prime’s new game Splice which will be coming to PSN and Pinball Arcade for the PS4. Just because E3 is over for another year though doesn’t mean the coverage stops as you can expect a lot more hands on info of the games of E3 2013 this week (and remember you can see all our E3 coverage here in one convenient location).



E3 2013: Stealth Inc.: A Clone in the Dark Launch Trailer
E3 2013: R.I.P.D. The Game Comes to PSN this July
E3 2013: Destiny of Spirits announced for PS Vita
Dead Nation Coming to Vita
E3 2013: Transistor Coming to PS4 in 2014
E3 2013: Trials Fusion coming to PS4 in 2014
E3 2013: The Walking Dead 400 Days Coming This Summer
E3 2013: Contrast Teased for Vita and PS4
Pinball Arcade PS4 will be Cross-Buy with PS3 and Vita
E3 2013: DuckTales Remastered Transylvania trailer
E3 2013: Dragon Fantasy Book II combat trailer
Revitalised FuturLab Classics Come to America
E3 2013: Eight Indies coming to PS4, Three Free With Plus


★★★★★ Quell Memento

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