PSNStores Weekly Roundup: November 5th – November 11th 2012
Posted by Andrew Brewer on November 11th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Weekly Round-Up
A new Kickstarter campaign was announced on Thursday that you might want to keep an eye on if you are a fan of unique indie games that focus on local multiplayer. Sportsfriends is a compilation of the multiple honor and award winning games Johann Sebastian Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pile Riders, and Hokra shined up and packaged together for the PlayStation 3. The compilation is officially backed by PlayStation through the Pub Fund but needs a little help from the public in order to be released, so check out their Kickstarter campaign and make sure to donate if you like what you see. Sportsfriends will be releasing fall of 2013 if the campaign reaches its goal amount.
If you can’t get enough of creating levels in Sound Shapes some exciting news was leaked this week by the Hong Kong PlayStation Blog: new creator DLC is on the way. While we have no release date yet (though I would assume soon) this DLC should give you master creators out there a bunch of new tools to keep creating those awesome levels.
In reviews this week we have When Vikings Attack, the party game/viking defense simulator for both PS3 and Vita (#YOPO) and two recent PlayStation Mobile releases sixty second shooter deluxe, the twin stick shooter with a minute time limit, and Rock Boshers DX, the retro styled (in both graphics and difficulty) puzzle adventure.
You might remember the first part of our interview with Rudolf Kremers during the PlayStation Mobile launch week about bringing Eufloria to the platform and PSM in general. Well the second part of the interview is now available (and in handy dandy audio format) which sheds some more light on Eufloria Adventures and a whole new entry in the series. We also heard back from SIMS and Wired Productions about Let’s Fish: Hooked On which some of you readers submitted questions for (Thanks!). Lets hope the interview has you all pumped for the Vita’s first fishing game. We end off with this past week’s Global Store Update, PlayStation Mobile Update, and a Sneak Peek at the November 13th NA update. All of this and more in this edition of the PSNStores Weekly Roundup:
Worms Revolution to Visit Mars in New DLC
Alien Breed Coming To PSM On November 14th
[Update: Maybe Not] Sound Shapes DLC Hitting Asian PSN This Week
New Knytt Underground Screenshots Emerge
New Footage From Big Sky Infinity
Johann Sebastian Joust, BaraBariBall, Super Pole Riders & Hokra Coming To PSN As Sportsfriends!
Clan of Champions Coming to PSN November 20th
Cosmic Clean-Up Coming to PSM
Rymdkaspel Teased for PlayStation Mobile
★★★★★ When Vikings Attack
★★★★☆ sixty second shooter Deluxe
★★★★☆ Rock Boshers DX
PSNStores.com Features
A Conversation With Rudolf Kremers
PSNStores Walkthrough: New PlayStation Store
PSM Quick Play: You Are The Ref & You Are The Umpire
Sneak Peek – November 13th PSN Releases
Let’s Fish: Hooked On – An Interview With Sims and Wired Productions
PlayStation Mobile Update
You Are The Ref ($3.49 / £2.79 / ¥350)
You Are The Umpire ($3.49 / £2.79 / ¥350)
Global Store Update
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
E.X. Troopers
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Absolute Super Cars ($9.99)
Joe Danger 2: The Movie (HK$92)
Pid ($9.99)
Toe Jam & Earl ($4.99)
Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron ($4.99)
When Vikings Attack ($9.99)
LittleBigPlanet Karting ($59.99)
Portal 2 ($19.99)
Vanquish ($19.99)
Dark Cloud (HK$72)
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Special Edition (HK$72)
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon Special Edition (HK$72)
River King: A Wonderfil Journey (HK$72)
Rygar: The Legendary Adventure ($9.99)
SunFlowers (HK$32)
When Vikings Attack ($9.99)
Ragnarok Tactics ($24.99)
Enchanted Cavern ($2.99)