StarDrone Gets A Release Date | PSNStores

StarDrone Gets A Release Date

Posted by on November 23rd, 2010 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

It seems that Beatshapers are counting on many people to get a Move for Christmas. Their new PSN title, and first title in HD, StarDrone will be hitting the PlayStation Store on Janurary 5th 2011. The game that was announced in September has stereoscopic 3D support and the aforementioned Move controls.

Alexey Menshikov, Founder and CEO of Beatshapers, who is a friend of the site said the following:

“StarDrone strikes the perfect balance between high-speed action and mission-based games. With stereoscopic 3DTV support, and 50 levels of gameplay against millions of enemies, StarDrone is an adrenaline charged game that lets players compete on a global basis.”

Millions of enemies… they should really get Tak Fujii to promote the game then. When the game goes on sale it will run you $7.99 / €7.99 or if you are a cool kid and have PlayStation Plus it only costs $4.99 / €4.99.

IGN has some new screens if you wanna see more of the game.