StarDrone Announced For PSN | PSNStores

StarDrone Announced For PSN

Posted by on September 14th, 2010 | 3 Comments | Tags: ,

BeatShapers are stepping out of the minis publishing waters with their first HD game coming this fall. StarDrone, which from the look of it is back to their old naming conventions ;), will also be the companies first title to make use of the PlayStation Move controller. Check out the video above to see some gameplay in action.

So it looks like you use the Move controller much like a mouse, clicking on the satellite looking things to swing around while taking out enemies in a PixelJunk Eden like fashion. They are saying that the game features “over 50 levels”, so hopefully if the mechanics are fun… this could have some replay value.

I also forgot to mention that this is a 3D title, so bust out that $3000 TV, fo sho. We will be sure to keep you updated once we get more details.