Curtis’s 2014 Game of the Year Picks
Posted by Curtis H on January 6th, 2015 | 0 Comments | Tags: GOTY 2014
I played a whole lot of games in 2014 so coming up with a Top 5 list of my favorite PSN games wasn’t easy. Before we get to my favorite games from the year I do want to very quickly highlight some games that didn’t quite make the cut. Those games are…
Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Sportsfriends, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, Child of Light, Don’t Starve, Murasaki Baby, Pix the Cat, Never Alone, Aqua Kitty DX, and 2014’s 2013 Game of the Year… Remember Me!
With that out of the way lets jump right on in to my Top 5 Favorite Games from 2014.
5.) Transistor
Coming from Bastion I think Transistor is actually mildly disappointing for me. That’s probably a weird thing to say considering that it’s on my top 5 PSN games of 2014 list, but maybe that’s just because Bastion impressed me so much. That said Transistor is pretty awesome. The world, combat, story, and the soundtrack…oh my god the soundtrack.
Transistor is the kind of game where all of the little details in the world, text, and art come together to provide something that’s really memorable. Even just the () at the end of each trophy goes a long way for me. I just think that the story itself didn’t quite grab me in the same way that Bastion did.
4.) Outlast
This year was an awesome year for horror games. Outlast kicked things off for me early in this year and is one I’ll look back on quite fondly. For starters my experience with Outlast consisted of streaming the entirety of the game over a single night. I still remember finishing the game, noticing the sun rising outside, and feeling as if I’d just survived the night in the asylum.
Outlast’s DLC also proved to be pretty incredible and featured the single most disturbing scene I’ve ever witnessed in a game. All of this from an absolutely horrific character that just goes to show how twisted the people in the asylum have become. Not to mention the end of the DLC starts to really build up a greater world outside of the asylum. It’s similar to the original Resident Evil where you start to realize that there’s something much larger happening outside of this one building that you’ve just explored.
3.) P.T.
The gap in the door, it’s a separate reality. The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?
Think about what P.T. is, the events of how it was released, what it was teasing, the people working on it, the way in which people had to solve it, the whole last segment that probably drove a few people insane, the number of commas in this sentence, the fact that it’s the best horror game released in a year that had a LOT of great horror games.
I got the baby to laugh at the end of P.T. by plugging in my headset and telling a really corny penguin joke. Seriously.
2.) Rogue Legacy
I discovered Rogue Legacy last year when it first released on PC and then once again this year when the PlayStation version launched this past Summer. There’s not one single thing that I don’t love about Rogue Legacy. The controls are tight, the core gameplay loop is perfect, progression feels good, the inherited traits are more than just a gimmick, and THE SOUNDTRACK. Rogue Legacy’s release on PlayStation platforms this year made me happy because it meant that more people would get to play this game. The more people that play Rogue Legacy the better off we’ll all be.
1.) Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc & Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair
A few years ago while listening to Warning a Huge Podcast! I heard about a game called Danganronpa. I’ll always remember how disappointed I was to hear the hosts of the show talk about just how unrealistic it would be to ever expect the game to be localized. Well here we are and not only did we get Danganronpa, but NISA also decided to bring over Danganronpa 2. I know I’m kind of cheating here by merging these two games together, but screw it they both came out in 2014 and they’re both better than anything else I’ve played all year.
In Danganronpa you and your classmates are held hostage by an evil robotic bear named Monokuma. The only escape is for a student to literally get away with murder. Throughout the game you’ll hang out with other students to learn more about your classmates, search for evidence once a murder has been committed, and present that evidence in the class trial in an attempt to reveal who the true killer is. The story, music, characters, and writing in both games are top notch. Monokuma is absolutely crazy and the true nature of what he is and what the game means is pretty horrific in its own right.