Resogun DLC Coming This Month | PSNStores

Resogun DLC Coming This Month

Posted by on June 9th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

The first downloadable content for Resogun has been announced, and is called Heroes. The Heroes expansion comes with two new modes, Survival and Demolition.

The Survival mode is an endless mode that maintains the majority of the mechanics from the original Arcade mode. The scoring system has been changed and developer Housemarque has given the humans parachutes in this mode. While you play in Survival, a Day/Night cycle was added to let you know how far in the mode you have come.

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Demolition, is “Arkanoid meets Resogun”, and throws a flaming wrecking ball into the levels. There are special pickups such as multiball, extra balls, ball launching, and ball level ups, and each of them will change the way the game kills you. In the mode, you are only given a limited proximity explosion and the basic moving speed. There is no boost, overdrive, or bombs.

A patch will also be coming soon that includes small fixes to the original game, new leaderboard and friend functions, and more. A ship editor and a local co-op mode are also coming in the patch.

The patch will be coming June 23rd and will be free, and the Heroes expansion will go live June 24th and will be $4.99.

A season pass will also be available for $7.99 and will grant you access to future expansions, including the original soundtrack.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]