OlliOlli Crash Bug Causing You Problems? Possible Fix And Patch Incoming
Posted by Nick K on February 21st, 2014 | 3 Comments | Tags: OlliOlli
Roll 7’s blog posted an update to a very serious bug that has plagued their otherwise wonderful game OlliOlli. This is a mysterious crash bug that I have been experiencing since reviewing the game sometime ago. For me, the issue became worse when I formatted my Vita’s memory stick in an effort to start over and make space for the games I was actually playing.
At this point, Roll 7 says they’ve sent the issue to “a crack team of VITA specialists in Spain” to get to the bottom of the issue and expedite a severely needed update. This decision was made they had been collecting feedback from the press and gamers that this issue was much more complicated than they had thought.
If you are experiencing this bug that forces the game to quit and prompts you to submit a crash report before restarting the game, there are a few things you can try to temporarily fix it:
- Turn off Wifi
- Turn on Flight Mode
- Uninstall the game and its data, then reinstall (be sure to back your save up to the Cloud or your PS3 first)
The most important thing to take away from all this is that Roll 7 says they are not giving up on the issue. A fix will happen, and when it comes they intend to include a “cheeky little bonus feature that should cheer people up!” I’ve reached out to Thomas Hegarty to see about getting to the bottom of what this “little” bonus feature is and will update this post if he delivers.
Until then, are you experiencing any issues while playing OlliOlli? Let us know in the comments section above…just kidding, it’s still below! 😛