PSNStores Live Chat with Jamie Fristrom and Energy Hook on PSN | PSNStores

PSNStores Live Chat with Jamie Fristrom and Energy Hook on PSN

Posted by on January 9th, 2014 | 4 Comments | Tags: ,

Jamie Fristrom and I are about to talk about his new game Energy Hook, coming to PlayStation Vita and PS4 first. It’s a labor of love that harnesses one of his best works, the swinging mechanics in the classic Spiderman 2. Add to that the score racking of SSX and you’ve got Energy Hook.

I’d like to invite you to join us, either live at the time of this writing or afterward. Thanks to the magical powers of Google+ and Hangouts On Air, both of those scenarios are possible. If you have any questions, live is the time to ask them or in the comments section below.

I want to thank Jamie for meeting me on such a crazy day. I look forward to seeing how development goes for Energy Hook on PS4 and Vita as well as playing it again, but this time with a proper controller. Be sure to visit the Happion Labs website and find a way to support this game.