Save up to 75% during the PAX Prime Indie Game Sale | PSNStores

Save up to 75% during the PAX Prime Indie Game Sale

Posted by on August 26th, 2013 | 7 Comments | Tags:

Wow, Gamescom was great, but now it’s time to brace for an American showcase with more PlayStation games and announcements. To kick off the week, Sony is throwing our money back at us during the 2013 PAX Prime Indie Game Sale where you and I can both save up to 75% off last year’s PAX Prime games.

Take a look at the list of games on offer, and then I’ll spit poetic some more:

  • Closure (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Dragon Fantasy Book I (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy) – Sale price $4.99, Plus price $2.50
  • Dyad (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Journey (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Limbo (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Penny-Arcade Adventures…Ep. 1&2 (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Retro City Rampage (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy) – Sale price $4.99, Plus price $3.74
  • Retro/Grade (PS3) – Sale price $4.99, Plus price $2.50
  • Skullgirls (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Tokyo Jungle (PS3) – Sale price $7.49, Plus price $3.75
  • Zombie Tycoon II: Brainhov’s Revenge (PS3/Vita Cross-Buy) – Sale price $4.99, Plus price $2.50

What will you be buying tomorrow when the PlayStation Store updates with all these sale prices? I’m getting Skullgirls and Limbo, and I highly recommend Tokyo Jungle and Dyad. Click the game title links in the list above to be taken to our review of each game.

Lastly, Chris is going to PAX Prime 2013 in Seattle…he lives there. In fact, his house will be packed with some friends of the site. He’s asking for your help to decide which games to hit up first when the showroom doors swing open this weekend. Stroll on over to his post and leave a comment. You have a voice on this site and we’d love to hear it.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]