Housemarque's RESOGUN Coming to PS4 | PSNStores

Housemarque’s RESOGUN Coming to PS4

Posted by on August 23rd, 2013 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

Housemarque’s “spiritual succsessor” to the Super Stardust franchise was revealed at Gamescom earlier this week. Unlike most other Housemarque games, this one is not a twin-stick shooter. RESOGUN is a cylindrical shoot-em’-up that adds twists to the genre, remixing ideas from classic shooters like Data Storm and Defender.

While still being a spiritual successor to Super Stardust, the games are very different. Aside from the obvious genre change, RESOGUN changes a lot. First off, there is gravity, which means you have ground enemies to deal with, and you have to watch out for things falling out of the sky that might damage your ship. Also, this isn’t a “destroy everything” kind of game like Stardust was. You are also trying to rescue little guys that will give you power ups and shields.

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RESOGUN will pack a ton of extra features as well, such as different ships, a co-op multiplayer mode, and a lot of stuff that hasn’t been announced yet. Running at a smooth 60 frames per second in full HD, Housemarque is creating another beautiful game for the PlayStation consoles. RESOGUN will be available at launch for the PS4.