“Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons” Shows Singleplayer Co-op In New Trailer | PSNStores

“Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons” Shows Singleplayer Co-op In New Trailer

Posted by on March 8th, 2013 | 6 Comments | Tags:

The above Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons trailer shows off some of the first gameplay we have seen.

In Brothers you control a younger and older brother using just one player while solving puzzles and navigating the world. Each of the brothers is assigned to a side of the controller, for instance the older brother moves with the Left Stick and interacts with L2.

This has been tried before with some success, see Noby Noby Boy, but it still is something that might be a little hard to control at first.

With this month’s upcoming conventions, hopefully at least one of us here at the site gets some hands-on time with the game so we can report back to you. Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons is due out some time this spring.