Lights, Camera, Party! Out Today. Live Stream This Thursday | PSNStores

Lights, Camera, Party! Out Today. Live Stream This Thursday

Posted by on August 28th, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Lights, Camera, Party! is coming out on PSN today for $29.99. If you happen to have PS+ that price is chopped in half to $14.99. I am liking what I have played of it so far. It has great style and all of the mini games I have unlocked thus far are a blast.

While are reviewing isn’t ready quite yet (Eric is traveling cross-country via train so he can be here for PAX) we wanted to let know that this Thursday we will be streaming Lights, Camera, Party! during our weekly live stream. I am trying to get a few vouchers to give out as well so you can join in on the fun.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter so you know when the Party is getting started.