Tomba! coming to PSN as a PSOne Classic
Posted by Andrew Brewer on May 23rd, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: MonkeyPaw Games , PSone Classics , Tomba!
Looks like a true classic will be coming to PSN. Announced through Joystiq today MonkeyPaw will be releasing Tomba! as a PSOne Classic.
Developed by Whoopee Camp and published by Sony Computer Entertainment back in 1998 Tomba! received positive reviews but did not sell well and thus has become one of the more rarer PS1 titles and one that many people have been clamoring to be re-released on PSN. MonkeyPaw Games have been working to acquire the rights for Tomba! over the past year and even hinted at the fact that the sequel, Tomba! 2, may also be released if the original sells well enough.
No release date was given besides an ambiguous soon, but we will keep you updated when a more concrete date is announced.