Ratings Watch Blowout: PS2 Classics Galore, Limbo PS4, More
Posted by chat Annette and Ashley www.shensugor.com on January 9th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Tags: LIMBO , PS2 Classics , PSone Classics
Ratings Watch Blowout is a new version of the semi-regular Ratings Watch column. Previous Ratings Watch posts were tailored towards specifics games the author found to be notable. with the Blowout posts, we’ll be taking a shotgun approach and posting it all.
PSone Classic
Battle Hunter (ESRB): A 1997 strategy role-playing game from Success. Released through a budget series in Japan, the game told the story of a group of hunters collecting relics in an attempt to prevent human extinction. Agetec published it in English in 2001.
PS2 Classics
Alter Echo (ESRB): A 2003 third-person action title from THQ studio Outrage Entertainment. In a futuristic world, psychics are given the ability to morph a substance called Plast into anything they want. An advanced, sentient form of the goop gives a young boy named Nevin a slick suit … and the task of stopping a villain bent on destroying the human race.
Disney/Pixar Cars (ESRB): Acting as a followup to the 2006 movie of the same name, this Rainbow Studios game sees you zip around Radiator Springs to help Lightning McQueen save the human race from annihilation. Okay, fine. You help Lightning win the Piston Cup.*
Dead or Alive 2 Hardcore (ESRB): Originally released in 2000, this expanded version of Tecmo’s 3D fighter features new cut scenes, costumes, stages as well as enhanced gameplay over the original Dead or Alive 2.
Legend of Kay (ESRB): Anthropomorphic animals fight to restore peace in this 2005 cult PS2 action platformer.
MX Vs. ATV Untamed (ESRB): Kind of a self-explanatory title here. It’s a 2007 arcade racer from Rainbow Studios and THQ. Remember when “extreme” sports games were all the rage?*
The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match (GRB): Japan-only 2009 (!) remake of the 2002 arcade/PS2 fighter from SNK. The game’s 66 character roster made it the largest in the series history.**
The King of Fighters ’94 Re-Bout (GRB): To celebrate the game’s then 10th anniversary, SNK remade the first entry in The King of Fighters series for PS2.**
Limbo (PEGI): This atmospheric 2D platformer was the toast of the indie game scene for a while. After making its debut on PS3 and Vita, it seems only right that Playdead’s classic hits the PS4.
* These were originally released as both native PS3 and PS2 games. As the publisher is listed as SCEA, I’m going to assume this is for a PS2 Clasics re-release and not just a PSN version of the PS3 build. It’s weird, but it’s a situation we’ve seen in the past.
** A previous Ratings Watch entry would seem to indicate these are Japan-only.