PlayStation Vita Games Are Up On US PSN
Posted by Elle on February 7th, 2012 | 6 Comments | Tags: US Store
You have to do some digging, but some vita games are on the US store right now. Just search for some of the launch games you want and they might be there. If you are someone who imported and want to play some games in English or perhaps you just want to be ready for launch… Get on the store and download away.
I will be updating this post with all of the games that are available right now:
- Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational ($35.99) (Size: 1.15 GB)
- ModNation Racers: Road Trip ($26.99) (Size: 1.5 GB)
- Super Stardust Delta ($9.99) (Size: 208 MB)
- Uncharted Golden Abyss ($44.99) (Size: 3.2 GB)
- WipEout 2048 ($35.99) (Size: 1.6 GB)