New York Comic Con/ Anime Fest 2010 Giveaway
Posted by Elle on January 26th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Tags: contest
I mentioned a while ago, in one of the older podcasts, that we had something to give away. However, it has been buried somewhere and I didn’t have a reason to find it.
Well since, I just opened a Twitter Account, I figured this would be the best time to give out the goody bag.
What you will get:
1 Large t-shirt from Square Enix (Wakfu Online)
1 Poster from Squire Enix (Wakfu)
20th Century Fox “Skinny” Bag
Okami Den Silly Band from Capcom
Dead Rising, Frank West Bobble Head from Capcom
Star Wars key chain
DecaSports: Freedom Lanyard from Hudson
Kirby Yarn Iron-On Sticker
And various stickers and pins.
Follow me on twitter, @EllePSNStores to win the bag (US and Canada only, sorry!). I will only draw a winner if I have over a 100 followers. The draw date is Friday, January 28 in the afternoon. Good luck!