V8 Racing Revving its Engines in Response to GT5 Delay
Posted by Eric G on October 13th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: o-games , Screens , Superstars V8 Racing
Today we received a “timely reminder” that Superstars V8 Racing is still coming exclusively to PSN October 26th. The e-mail actually begins with a hyperlinked ‘Punctuality‘, which opens a new window to the definition of the word. All of this after the announcement that Gran Turismo 5 will, in fact, be delayed. Superstars is one of the first full retail games to be exclusively released in a digital format on the PSN. It is also, as the e-mail reminds me every 2 sentences, the most punctual racing game on the platform.
O-Games is giving out 25 free downloads of the game. All you have to do is visit the game’s Facebook page, ‘Like’ it, and post the phrase ‘Superstars V8 Racing on PSN’ onto the wall. Contestants must reside in North America, and have until October 25th at 11:59PST to be eligible for entry. Winners will be chosen at random. But hey, if you don’t win it there, be sure to check it out on October 26th for only $19.99.
For the trailer, see our post back in August. For some more new screens, see this post… after the colon: