Quick Question: Team Meat | PSNStores

Quick Question: Team Meat

Posted by on July 17th, 2010 | 30 Comments | Tags:

If you’re a fan of awesome things, then no doubt you’re heard of, or seen Super Meat Boy, the 2D Platformer featuring many a saw and blood splatter. Today, the developer posted this on their twitter;

Oh, also the answer to last weeks question “why is there no ps3 version of SMB was “Because Sony didn’t express interested in the game”

Being curious as the why, I asked the developer as to why, on PSN (where developers are allowed to self-publish their games), their game would be rejected due to lack of interest. I then got what could quite possibly be the quote of my life from Edmund McMillen, One of the Two members of team meat.

We had started development of SMB for PC, Wii, Xbox and Ps3. we had kits for all systems and the game ran on all consoles. we submitted our current build to MS and Sony and it was as simple as Sony not getting back to us expressing interest in picking up the title and MS grabbing it up as soon as we submitted it.

We like Sony, and I’m sure we will eventually release a game on their system but SMB on ps3 just wasn’t in the cards. also keep in mind we are only a team of 2, one of us doing all of the programming. if we somehow were able to work out a deal to release on all systems, with a work load like that, i think Tommy would probably kill himself.

I don’t want my friend to be dead, nor should you.

So, there you have your answer. A fair one too, If you ask me. A team of 2 people can’t be expected to bring a game to every platform under the sun, so I’m sure you own one of the 4 other platforms (XBLA/Wii/PC/MAC) the game is also coming out on.