$4.49 | PSNStores


August 18th, 2013

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Mononoke Slashdown

Mononoke Slashdown is a hack and slash game from PSN newcomers F K Digital. You play as Kagemaru, a “traveling ascetic ninja” on a quest to save some villages from the clutches of evil monsters’ evil doings. The entire story …


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January 10th, 2010

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Fortix

A take on the classic Qix formula, Fortix is a game where you must recapture the kingdom. There are two things that you will notice upon starting the game up, the long waits for loading and saving and the game’s …


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December 20th, 2009

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Kahoots

Last week I was on vacation and I had a fairly long car ride to sit through. Luckily I had my PSP with me and a bunch of minis to try out. The first of which was Kahoots. Kahoots is …


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August 18th, 2013

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Mononoke Slashdown

Mononoke Slashdown is a hack and slash game from PSN newcomers F K Digital. You play as Kagemaru, a “traveling ascetic ninja” on a quest to save some villages from the clutches of evil monsters’ evil doings. The entire story …


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January 10th, 2010

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Fortix

A take on the classic Qix formula, Fortix is a game where you must recapture the kingdom. There are two things that you will notice upon starting the game up, the long waits for loading and saving and the game’s …


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December 20th, 2009

Posted in - Reviews

Review: Kahoots

Last week I was on vacation and I had a fairly long car ride to sit through. Luckily I had my PSP with me and a bunch of minis to try out. The first of which was Kahoots. Kahoots is …


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