Impressions: Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 5: Order Up! | PSNStores

Impressions: Minecraft: Story Mode – Episode 5: Order Up!

Posted by on April 18th, 2016 | 0 Comments | Tags:

With the inclusion of three more episodes to Minecraft: Story Mode, Episode 5, Order Up!, acts as a beginning of a new story arc in the Minecraft world. As Episode 4 felt like a conclusion to the story, it was interesting to see where we would end up in Episode 5, but with the inclusion of three more episodes and seeing how Order Up! plays out, it’s apparent that a new full story arc is forming.

Order Up!, begins a brand new adventure with familiar characters. A new problem arises, and new tales are to be told. The latest episode takes you to new environments as well, and these areas are different from the ones we have previously seen. Seeing old characters in new situations is something I’ve always enjoyed, regardless of medium, and it doesn’t change here. When meeting a new character this far into a story, you aren’t sure you can trust them, but you feel like you can trust the other characters you’ve been around.

Gameplay is pretty much what you would expect, and nothing has changed. The writing is good enough that you won’t be taken out of the experience, but Ivor, a recurring character in the game, steals the show in this episode. The Ivor we used to know acts very differently from the one we are used to seeing. His performance and writing in this episode is one that had me laughing several times throughout the episode. Major decisions in this episode don’t seem to have much consequence, other than it showing favoring one character over another.

The previous four episodes now feel like part 1 of the Minecraft: Story Mode experience, with this new story arc taking up part 2. Episode 5 ends on a cliffhanger that clearly is meant to lead into the next three episodes. Without the cliffhanger at the end, it almost feels as if Order Up! could have been an epilogue to the series. It could have even been considered as a short story, or random adventures in the Minecraft world. It would be curious to know if it was the plan all along to add three more episodes, or if this is an opportunity they saw to expand the story.

I’m interested to see where the other episodes lead, but right now, Minecraft: Story Mode doesn’t feel like a complete story. If you paid for the Season Pass of the game, you will now need to buy the Adventure Pass for $14.99 to see the rest of the story. For those that bought the Season Pass, I get the sense that Episode 4 was the end of Season Pass, and Episode 5 is just a taste of the next story coming, urging players to buy the Adventure Pass.

I look forward to playing the other episodes and so far, this second part of the story seems to be much more interesting to me, than the first part.