Sony details Unity for PlayStation Mobile and brings the platform to more countries | PSNStores

Sony details Unity for PlayStation Mobile and brings the platform to more countries

Posted by on April 7th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags: ,

Sony, and Unity Technologies announced Unity Engine support for PlayStation platforms just over a year ago, and now it’s time for PlayStation Mobile’s support. Unity for PlayStation Mobile has come out of closed beta, and is now available for all PlayStation Mobile developers to preview. While Unity for PlayStation Mobile won’t officially launch until the summer, the two companies have confirmed that developers won’t have pay any extra fees if they already own licenses for the free version of Unity, or Unity Pro.

The PlayStation Mobile team at Sony showed off two Unity demos last month at BitSummit:

What does this mean to the average consumer? Well, PlayStation Mobile could get a lot of new content as the barrier to entry for developers continues to weaken. Sony specifically stated that Unity for PSM “removes the need for extensive re-coding, allowing developers to easily port their games created for iPhone, iPad, and Android based devices to launch on PSM”.

Additionally, Sony will launch the PlayStation Mobile Developer Program, as well as the PlayStation Mobile storefront in new countries in the coming months. The Developer Program will expand to twelve new nations on May 12th, including: Australia, Brazil, Columbia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Peru, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, and Thailand. The storefront launches in four new countries on June 25th. This will grant users in Austria, India, Poland and Switzerland access to PlayStation Mobile content. With these launches the Developer Program will be available in 32 countries, while the storefront will be available in 22.

[Source: PlayStation Mobile Dev Portal, Unity, Sony Computer Entertainment]