Ethan: Meteor Hunter coming to PS Vita this Spring | PSNStores

Ethan: Meteor Hunter coming to PS Vita this Spring

Posted by on February 4th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Last October, French studio Seaven released their fiendishly difficult puzzle platformer, Ethan: Meteor Hunter, on PS3 and now the company has announced plans to bring the game to PS Vita. The title features over 50 levels, online leaderboards (shared with PS3 users), and secret challenges. Sporting both front and back touch functionality for puzzle solving, the Vita version also supports Cross Buy with the PlayStation 3 release.

If you haven’t already bought the game now’s a good time. The PlayStation 3 version will be 50% off for PlayStation Plus users, and 30% off for regular members this week. The PS3 build will also be getting a demo so you can try the game before you buy it.

Seaven has given the Vita version a release window of this Spring.

[Via: PlayStation Blog]