Daylight is set to haunt your PS4 this April | PSNStores

Daylight is set to haunt your PS4 this April

Posted by on February 23rd, 2014 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

Have you already completed Outlast, but hunger for more horror on your PS4, and don’t want to wait for Shinji Mikami’s The Evil Within? Atlus, and Zombie Studios have you covered, as the duo have set a release date of April 8th for their procedurally generated horror game, Daylight. The Unreal Engine 4 powered title will only cost $/€14.99/£11.99.

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Sarah Gwynn finds herself trapped in an abandoned hospital. With only her cellphone guiding the way, she must traverse through the building’s heinous past if she wants to escape.

The game features a unique mechanic that takes advantage of the PlayStation 4’s streaming capabilities. A user streaming the game on Twitch can have players interact with the game by typing keywords into the comments section. For example, a viewer might type “Meow” and suddenly the player will hear a cat shriek in-game. To prevent that feature from being abused, Zombie Studios have put the keywords on a timer. They also won’t be sharing a word list, so viewers are going to have to find them out on their own.

Daylight also supports 3D televisions on PS4 through ReadlD 3D, allowing users to get spooked in the third dimension.