Ubisoft releases Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD next week on PSN for PS3 | PSNStores

Ubisoft releases Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD next week on PSN for PS3

Posted by on January 8th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:

It’s rare that a game meets its release date these days, but Ubisoft has managed to get Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD ready for a January 14th/15th PS3 release for the North American and European just as they announced back in late October. We’ve now got some Vita/PS3 comparison images to share…

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Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD comes out next week on PlayStation 3 for just $19.99 with all new HD graphics, smoother gameplay, and re-tuned missions. Who’s buying it again or playing for the first time?