Spelunky Daily Challenges Now Available on PS3/Vita
Posted by Eric G on November 20th, 2013 | 2 Comments | Tags: Mossmouth , Spelunky
If you’ve ever stopped playing Spelunky on PS3 or Vita, now’s the time to pick it back up again.
Derek Yu of Mossmouth announced today on the European PlayStation Blog that the new Spelunky patch is available now. A large portion of this update is dedicated to the addition of Daily Challenges. For those not aware of the PC-specific feature (up until now), Daily Challenges are additional objectives that change on a day-to-day basis. You only get one chance per day to accomplish the Daily, and the fact that you’re working toward a specific objective removes some of the luck (read: randomness) in playing Spelunky. In my blasphemous review of the game, I noted that element of chance as one of the biggest detractors of the game.
Well, I guess I’ll have to reinstall that godforsaken hell-spawn of a game…
Have you been waiting for Dailys to hit the PSN version of the game? Are you looking forward to checking them out for the first time? Let us know in the comments!
Source: [EU PS Blog]