Die!Die!Die! coming to North America October 1st | PSNStores

Die!Die!Die! coming to North America October 1st

Posted by on September 23rd, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Die!Die!Die! is a quirky puzzle game that will have gamers worldwide cleansing their Vita’s of all those colorful bacteria, viruses and diseases with extreme prejudice. iFun4all has done odd jobs since 2009, but this is their first fully fledged indie game and it’s coming to North America on October 1st.

Noah reviewed the European version of Die!Die!Die! for PSNStores and gave the game a 4/5 star rating. Be sure to read the full review for all his insights on the game. Here is an excerpt from his review:

Die!Die!Die! is more like Fun!Fun!Fun!. It’s a good medical defense game, and keeps it simple with the controls, which is a big plus. There’s plenty of content to keep you interested for a while, and it stays fun pretty much all the way through.