PSNStores Pinball Arcade Tournament Week Two: Table and Score Update | PSNStores

PSNStores Pinball Arcade Tournament Week Two: Table and Score Update

Posted by on August 4th, 2013 | 19 Comments | Tags: ,

The results are in. We had some great scores this week, and it was a close match all-around. The current standings are a little lower in the post, but let’s get to announcing the table for the second week. I decided I am going to pick the tables in packs of 2, as to not make you guys go broke. So, if you remember back to when you purchased No More Gophers, it came with another table, Elvira and the Party Monsters. That will be our table for the week, and you can start playing in just a few short hours on Monday morning. Good luck everybody!


FreelanceSam – 4
brewer – 3
boingball – 2
MildObstruction – 1
CurmudgeonGamer – 0
killerkowalski42 – 0
KosmoCrisis – 0
elchorno – 0
RockgamerXIII – 0
captubaplayer – 0
berranza – 0
Bornial – 0
toru248okada – 0
Mephitis – 0
Green_Capt – 0
jengobengo – 0
Ejoe22 – 0
FriedConsole – 0
natemike-OSU – 0
TrueBloodian – 0
wenger56 – 0
Mikkiyo-1 – 0
cyrnix – 0