Real Boxing squares off with Vita on Aug 27 for $9.99
Posted by Nick K on July 29th, 2013 | 0 Comments | Tags: Real Boxing
As the old saying goes, “Put up your dukes” for Real Boxing as it hits Vita in the face buttons on August 27th for $9.99. That’s considerably less than a ticket to the MGM to watch a real boxing match.
Jan Chichlowski, Brand Manager at Vivid Games, hits up the PlayStation Blog with the official release date and price. Nothing new other than date and price is mentioned about the game that we didn’t already know unfortunately. If you’d like to see the game in motion, check out my E3 2013 hands-on with Real Boxing.
This is the first boxing game for Vita, and since having played it at E3 I bought the game on Android. It is definitely more fun with buttons and I hope the extra time in development for Vita means some refinements in gameplay. All of which were mentioned in my hands-on post and video linked above, but I’ll embed below for your view convenience.
[Source: PlayStation Blog]