PSNStores Giveaway: Zojirushi Beat the Heat | PSNStores

PSNStores Giveaway: Zojirushi Beat the Heat

Posted by on June 24th, 2013 | 6 Comments | Tags: ,

Yes, loyal reader, you have read correctly. If you’ve been paying attention to the PSNStores podcast, you know that we loooove Zojirushi. In particular, we love their mugs. Their ability to keep beverages hot for long periods of time is simply astonishing, but it’s their equally impressive ability to keep drinks cold that we’re interested in right now.

We’ve teamed up with Zojirushi to help you Beat the Heat this summer. Starting July 8th, we’ll be giving away one (1) Zojirushi mug every day for a week. That means you’ve got seven chances to win my favorite purchase of 2013 thus far (PS4 is still a few months off). Full product details: Zojirushi SM-KB36/48. This giveaway will be for the SM-KB48 variation of mug, US residents only (sorry EU ;[ )

Here’s how to enter, along with some FAQs:

0) In honor of America’s independence, if you follow @PSNStores and @ZojirushiUSA on Twitter and tweet “Zo, say can you see! @PSNStores @ZojirushiUSA” on July 4th, 2013, you’ll be entered into the contest to win. Posting a picture will count as two entries!

1) The best and easiest way to be eligible for winning a mug is to follow @PSNStores and @ZojirushiUSA on Twitter. Tweet the phrase: “Here’s my mugshot, I want to #BeatTheHeat with @ZojirushiUSA and @PSNStores!” accompanied with a picture of your (soon to be former) favorite mug. Keep the pictures clean, please.


photo 3

2) Like the ZojirushiUSA Facebook page and post the aforementioned picture in response to their update about the contest.


1) When does the contest start and end?
The contest begins Monday, June 24th 2013. One winner will be chosen each day from July 8-14 2013.

2) I won, but when do I get my mug?
You will receive your mug 2-4 weeks after the contest ends. The product will be shipped directly from Zojirushi.

3) Look at the pretty colors. How will I know which one I won?
If you win, you’ll be able to choose your own color! We’ll ask you what color you prefer along with what your preferred shipping address (no PO boxes, please). We’ll pass the info over to Zojirushi and they’ll take it from there.

4) Can I win twice? Thrice?
Unfortunately, no. Once your name has been picked once, you’re ineligible to win again. The main reason for this is that we want to spread the Zojirushi love to as many entrants as possible.

5) Do I have to take a picture?
Yes. Entries without the MugShot will not be valid. Imagine we pick your entry but then find it doesn’t have a picture of you drinking coffee out of a toilet bowl mug? That would be sad for everyone involved. The mug doesn’t have to be clever/nifty/fun, and the picture doesn’t have to be shot by a professional photographer.

6) You’re giving away a rice cooker? Why are you giving away a rice cooker?
We’re giving away Zojirushi vacuum bottles because we think they’re great, we think you’re great, and, in all honesty, we think we’re great. So we figured we’d give you an opportunity to live like a PSNStores editor, drinking your beverages from a literally super-cool mug any where, at any time. It’s like a nut you can play with outside, just like your #Gamechanger.

7) How long can I keep hot content hot and cold content cold in my Zojirushi mug?
Short answer: A long time. There are specific statistics that can be found on the product page, but let me tell you a story. From PSNStores podcast episode 100:

So this morning, I put about 5 ice cubes and some water into my Zojirushi SV-GHE50XA. Tightened up the vacuum seal top… and I put it in my car at around 7AM. I decide, you know what? I’m going to leave this in my car as a test. I get out of school at around 2:45PM, I check it – there’s ice in there, I’m blown away. It was about 94° all day, and the bottle was in a car. Go to the gym, get out of the gym at 6PM, ice cube still intact. Wow.

8) What, if anything, does this have to do with video games?
See question 6. Also, deal with it.

9) Didn’t that other gaming website say something about Zojirushi? Did yinz steal their idea?
I have heard about Giant Bomb’s and the Bombcast’s infatuation with Zojirushi products, but only after becoming charmed by them myself. My parents have owned a rice cooker for about 30 years, my friend and former roommate literally brings his rice cooker to my house from time to time, and Chris couldn’t stop talking about his mug ever since we visited for PAX.

10) Do their thermoses contain any BPA?
According to their FAQ page,

All Zojirushi products are BPA-free. The body of all our vacuum bottles is made of high quality stainless steel, and is BPA-free. Lids, stoppers, mouth rings and other components are also BPA-free.

11) Do I have to both like the Facebook page and tweet?
One or the other will do, but if you do both you’ll be entered twice.