Ethan: Meteor Hunter coming to PSN this Summer | PSNStores

Ethan: Meteor Hunter coming to PSN this Summer

Posted by on May 14th, 2013 | 3 Comments | Tags:

Last year a few months after their release of Dungeon Twister the developer Hydravision was closed down and from that came a seven member team appropriately named Seaven Studio. Seaven Studio has just announced their first game which is scheduled to release on PSN this Summer.

Ethan: Meteor Hunter tells the story of Ethan who has been struck by a meteor. This incident has granted him the ability to stop time completely. As you see in the trailer above this power is incorporated in a physics based platforming game. It should be noted that the above footage is from an alpha build of the game and is also being used as an attempt to get the game through the Steam Greenlight process.

Ethan: Meteor Hunter promises 50 levels across 3 worlds as you journey to put together the pieces of the meteorite that first struck Ethan. We’ll be sure to post more information about the game as well as when you can expect to get your hands on it in the future.