Life of Pixel After the Patch – Updated Impressions
Posted by Curtis H on February 28th, 2013 | 1 Comment | Tags: Life Of Pixel
Last month I said that Life of Pixel was a ‘broken and poorly designed game’. My review was critical of a number of things within the game and I do stand by those specific things at the time of release. However Life of Pixel has earned a new lease on life with its most recent patch that not only fixes just about every issue I had with the game but also provides new content.
I want to be clear. I was excited for Life of Pixel from the day I saw the first screenshots. I feel like the game, post-patch, is now exactly what it should have released as. All of the bugs and slowdown have been fixed, each console now features its own music, levels have been tweaked, a restart level option has been added and most importantly the game is now a good deal of fun to play.
Without any slowdown in sight the game now runs as it was intended. Better yet you don’t really run into any of the cheap deaths that occurred in the original release. The game certainly still features a decent level of challenge but it doesn’t feel like it’s due to cheap deaths or technical issues. It’s very clear that a lot of work went into making this patch truly mean something for Life of Pixel and the developer should be applauded for that. Ultimately this is now the game as it was intended and it is much better for it. It feels complete in ways that I don’t think the original release did. Most importantly I feel completely confident in recommending this game to anyone looking for something to play on their Vita or any other PSM Certified device.