Payday: The Heist – Wolfpack DLC Out On EU PSN, US Next Week | PSNStores

Payday: The Heist – Wolfpack DLC Out On EU PSN, US Next Week

Posted by on August 1st, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags:

This week those of you across the pond finally got first access to new PAYDAY: The Heist DLC in the “Wolfpack”. Unfortunately this DLC won’t be available in the US until next week.

First and foremost Wolfpack features two brand new heists. Undercover tasks players with driving away the police as they try to interrupt a back alley deal while Counterfeit encourages the use of silenced weapons to ensure no one alerts the 5-0 and blows the entire money printing operation.

Wolfpack also includes new weapons (auto handgun and assault rifle, grenade launcher and deployable sentry gun), a new class called “The Technician”, an increased level cap and new trophies to earn. The Technician is described as a man who can get things done. He carries with him a sentry gun and a toolkit. Players who don’t have the DLC will be able to join games where the host owns the DLC and play along.

[gallery_imgs dir=”http://media.psnstores.com/images/payday/dlc/” num=”3″]

The Wolfpack DLC is available now on the EU PSN store (£6.49/€7.99/AU$12.95) and will be out in the US next week for $9.99.