PSNStores Games & Shames: January 2012
Posted by Chris K on February 1st, 2012 | 0 Comments | Tags: Games and Shames
A new year brings new games! We are here to give you our favorites from January. So what do you think? What were your favorite games from last month?
Game: NFL Blitz
NFL Blitz brings back all the memories I have about playing it on my N64. I will choose Da Bomb 10 plays in a row, I will only pick Safe Cover, I will never punt or kick a field goal. All of these remain the same in this updated HD version of the arcade classic. Brad and I own and team and even if we get our asses kicked… we will still come back for more. With the addition of online play I don’t see myself putting this one down for a while, even if they don’t allow late hits.
Shame: Amy
I really don’t want to talk about Amy ever again. The game is just plain outright broken. Controls suck, framerate sucks, story sucks, the ending sucks… it all just sucks. I actually hate Amy and I don’t think there is another game out there that I can say that about. Just read my review I don’t want to talk about it anymore.
Game: TNT Racers
A carnival game within a game, TNT Racers takes the pole position this month. The game offers a variety of single player missions that are challenging yet addictive. Unless you’re some sort of RC savant, you’ll be replaying a bunch of the Turbo challenges over and over before finally finding the focus to conquer them. Hop online with friends and discover that revenge is a fast-food dish best served cold. A fun, light-hearted game that’s easy to pick up and play.
Shame: Crazy Machines Elements
Not many games released this month. Since I didn’t play Amy and Choplifter HD isn’t necessarily a bad game, I’ve got to go with Crazy Machines Elements. I played this game back in August at Chris’s house when it was released for free on the German PSN. It’s an Incredible Machine clone that wasn’t difficult or entertaining. I forget what else put me off about the game, but I remember being thoroughly unimpressed. Unless this is a completely revamped release, I wouldn’t bother checking this game out.
Game: NFL Blitz
As Co-owner of the Erie Explosion, I can vouch that this one is packed with content and arcade fun. Not only is it a nostalgia trip, but the gameplay holds up to today’s standards. It rarely feels unfair or cheap and has Chris and I playing it on a weekly basis to try and climb the Pennsylvania Leaderboards. This title could go for full price on disc if it really wanted to, and it’s a steal at 15 bucks.
Shame: Amy
The only good thing about this game is the XMB Splash screen. Everything goes downhill from there. Annoying and glitchy isn’t the combo I look for in my survival horror games. It’s a damn shame that such a great concept was executed so poorly. Run away child, run away.
Shame: Tiny Hawk
10 minutes of content stretched over 15 minutes is what you get from Tiny Hawk, and if you’re lucky, you’ll find some fun there too. The gameplay itself is entertaining enough in small bursts, and thankfully the game itself is one small burst. But I just wanted more to do, and more depth to the game itself. No leaderboards, no trick system, the game seems like it has been simplified to an extreme that I just couldn’t quite enjoy as much as I wanted to.
Game: TNT Racers
I have to admit that I was really surprised to see just how great TNT Racers turned out to be. I expected nothing more than a mediocre racing game and instead got hours of fun both on and offline. The Turbo challenges offer up a serious challenge that require a lot of practice to complete and knocking friends off of bridges online never gets old. Toss in some awesome carnival music and a shark car and you have yourself a winner.
Shame: Scarygirl
Scarygirl makes an okay first impression but doesn’t take long to find every single way to just annoy you. Aside from a camera that just can’t sit still the game features unresponsive controls and terribly cheap enemies that left me wanting to throw a controller in anger rather than play another minute of it.