PSN PLAY Announced
Posted by Ben on August 5th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Tags: Bloodrayne , DeathSpank , PAYDAY: The Heist , PSN , Street Fighter III
Today on both the US and EU PlayStation Blogs, a new annual program called PLAY was introduced. Now, Sony hasn’t tried their hand at creating their own Summer Of Arcade style event before, but it seems with this promotion, they’re really intent on kicking it off with a bang. Every time you buy a title associated with the PLAY program on the store, you’ll receive a piece of DLC for the game on the house, and if you preorder the game, something that hasn’t been seen on PSN since Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse, you’ll receive an exclusive theme for said game.
Now, that’s already pretty sweet. But Sony is seeking to sweeten the deal a little bit more. If you grab all four PLAY titles from the store by 20 september, you’ll receive a PSN voucher for PayDay: The Heist, the PSN Exclusive first person bank robbery game, which looks something akin to a cross between Heat and Left 4 Dead. Also, if you’re a PS+ member, you’ll get a 20% discount on each of the four games in the promotion.
Now, on to the games, in date order of course.
Kicking off the program on August 24 is Street Fighter III Third Strike Online Edition, which you likely already know about as the third Street Fighter game. Well, it’s a version of the third Street Fighter game at least. Picking up the game during the promotion will net you an early unlock of GILL, who is usually unlocked by beating the game with every character.
Next up is The Baconing, the third game in the DeathSpank series. This one is going to be available for on August 31, and a purchase of the game will give you an additional co-op character known as Roesha, described as “One Bad Mutha”. Those groans you can hear are coming from me, though the actual game looks like the best game since Psychonauts to feature magical bacon.
If you’re up for something considerably bloodier, then perhaps September 7 will have something more up your street in BloodRayne : Betrayal. Now, if you, like the rest of the world have already forgotten about Majesco’s BloodRayne franchise, allow me to bring you up to speed. “Ginger Nazi Vampire”. That’s about it, although this instalment in the series comes from WayForward, makers of insanely pretty 2D games, so there’s hope here at least. Buy it, and you’ll get an item for your Home avatar. I’m going to guess it’s not an arm band.
September 14 bring us Renegade Ops! From the makers of Just Cause 2 comes a top down Sandbox vehicle shooter. It’s pretty much a homage to classic games like Jackal, and it looks like a boat load of fun. Grab it, and get a vehicle and character pack, with two extra vehicles and weapons to use.
Finally, there’s PayDay: The Heist. If you’ve bought all the games on this list before 20 September, you’ll be getting this one for free. Otherwise, expect it on October 5. It’s a first person heist game from Overkill Software, who emerged from the ashes of the sadly departed GRIN. It certainly looks like a game you’re going to need a headset for, as the best way to instruct one of your four co-op partners is definitely to shout “don’t die” as many times as possible. It works, trust me.
PSN PLAY pre-orders start next Wednesday, August 10. Look for reviews of all of these games as and when they release.