Community Created “Legend of Robots” Coming Soon | PSNStores

Community Created “Legend of Robots” Coming Soon

Posted by on July 1st, 2011 | 2 Comments | Tags: , , , ,

The Bearded Ladies, the team behind last year’s Landit Bandit, consulted the PlayStation community to help create their next PSN title. The result is Legend of Robot, a 2D platformer with some surprisingly cool mechanics.

Check out this conception trailer detailing the different aspects of Legend of Hero

Wowzers, that looks awesome. Give me some help guys, what’s the SNES game where you throw your head to attack? I thought it was made by Rare Ltd, but that’s not helping me.

Anyways, The Bearded Ladies are calling Legend of Robot the first complete Gamocracy project – an original game designed entirely by the EU PlayStation community. The protagonist, “H7”, is an alien-robot drone originally created to enslave mankind. Instead, he tries to escape by using his head-tossing weapon/platform.

Through a series of weekly challenges, PS community members designed Legend of Robot, each challenge being a different facet of the game. Ideas were submitted through the EU PlayStation forums. The top contenders were put to a vote on The Bearded Ladies’s official Facebook page. You can also check out all of the developer diearies on The Bearded Ladies’s YouTube page.

Look for Legend of Robot on the EU PSN July 13th, for €2.99.