Hackers in Custody in Connection with PSN Hack | PSNStores

Hackers in Custody in Connection with PSN Hack

Posted by on June 10th, 2011 | 0 Comments | Tags: , , ,

Hey remember last month when you couldn’t get online and play games on your Sony devices because some assholes decided to hack Sony’s servers? Well it appears that your cries for justice have been heard. The New York Times is reporting today that three men have been arrested in Spain in connection with the PlayStation Network hack. The suspected hackers were arrested in the cities of Almería, Barcelona, and Valencia. According to the article, the trio are part of the local leadership for Anonymous. Sony spokeswoman in Tokyo Mami Imada stated that she has no information regarding the arrests and has declined to comment further.

According to Spanish police, one of the men had a computer server in his apartment in the northern city of Gijón. Using this server the group launched attacks on PSN as well as two Spanish banks, BBVA and Bankia. The list of hacks also includes the Italian energy company Enel, and government sites in Spain, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia, and New Zealand.

Police also stated that their investigation lead them to analyze more than 2 million lines of chat logs since October in an attempt to identify Anonymous’s leadership in Spain. At this time there is no information regarding whether these three guys are tied to the group known as Lulz Security, which is responsible for the Sony Pictures site hack that occurred this month.

If these accusations prove to be true, these three are looking at some serious jail time and a mountain of fines. More on this as it develops.

Source: New York Times