Hydrophobia Prophecy PSN-bound | PSNStores

Hydrophobia Prophecy PSN-bound

Posted by on April 26th, 2011 | 2 Comments | Tags: ,

Hydrophobia, the XBLA survival-adventure game from last year, is coming soon to PSN with some spiffy new upgrades. Dark Energy Digital is promising upgraded graphics, new gameplay mechanics, exclusive new levels, a reworked back story, a dramatic new ending, recast voice acting, and much more (pause to catch breath).

The game will also feature an in-game dev feedback system called Darknet, which allows players to deliver specific opinions at any point during the game. They are then augmented with contextual data about the game state at that time. Sounds rather futuristic, don’t you think? Dark Energy is trying to keep a close relationship between player and developer in order to update Hydrophobia Prophecy semi-seamlessly. I just hope this doesn’t lead to a patch update every single time I start up the game. And what if Darknet becomes a heuristically programmed algorithmic computer? I’d hate to have an altercation every time I want to open a door.

Hydrophobia Prophecy will launch on Steam on May 9th with a PSN version to follow. You can pre-purchase the Steam version for $10.19/£7.64.