New Rock of Ages Gameplay Trailer
Posted by Eric G on October 19th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Atlus , Rock of Ages , Trailers
Some more gameplay footage has been released for Atlus’s new PSN game, Rock of Ages. Though it’s a bit short, there’s a lot to be taken from the video. Some platforming elements show up at around 0:30, a winged jump powerup flaps about at about 0:39, and what looks like a cannon-powered nutshot nails the statue of David at the end of the video.
There are two castles. One of them is yours. The other is the enemy’s, and you have the power to deploy an enormous boulder in order to take it out. In the PR there’s mention of “a giant boulder headed your way, too…” I’m guessing that means that you’ll have to build up your defenses as well as control your enormous boulder. This game is looking better and better every time assets get released. Look for it sometime in the Spring of 2011.