Söldner-X 2 Getting The DLC Treatment
Posted by Chris K on July 10th, 2010 | 5 Comments | Tags: dlc , Soldner-X2
You think you can beat this thing?
Well if you can, you will get your chance soon with Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype – The Last Chapter. This DLC add-on to Söldner-X 2 adds 3 new levels, a new ending to the story, some new songs, and of course more trophies for you to earn. Also added in with this DLC is a new more challenging difficulty mode. Just what a shmup needs, an even harder mode.
Marcus Pukropski, CEO of SideQuest Studios, dropped this little tidbit:
“Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype has been an amazing product that was very well received by gamers and critics alike, which is why we are absolutely committed to showing our continued support for it. All additional content has been exclusively created for this expansion pack; we are continuing right where we left off.”
No date has been set or price for that matter, but you can be sure that we will let you know when it gets announced.