Famitsu PSN Top 10 (06/24/10 – 07/07/10)
Posted by Chris K on July 30th, 2010 | 0 Comments | Tags: Famitsu Best 10
Famitsu Presents: PS Store Game Best 10 Vol. 13 has been released on PSN. Here are the Top 10 PSN and Game Archive titles from June 24th – July 7th 2010
This Time / Last Time [System] Game
Titles that made their debut during this time frame are in bold.
01. / 00. [PS3] Ikki Online
02. / 00. [PSP] Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable 2
03. / 01. [PSP] World Soccer Winning Eleven 2010
04. / 00. Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator: Ossu! Banchou Portable
05. / 04. [PSP] Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
06. / 03. [PSP] Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
07. / 00. [PSP] The King of Fighters Portable ’94-’98 Chapter of Orochi
08. / 02. [PSP] Disgaea 2 Portable
09. / 05. [PS3] After Burner Climax
10. / 00. [PSP] SNK Arcade Classics Vol.1
Game Archives
01. / 01. Final Fantasy 9
02. / 00. Threads of Fate
03. / 02. Final Fantasy 7 International
04. / 03. Final Fantasy 8
05. / 07. Final Fantasy Tactics
06. / 05. Xenogears
07. / 08. Saga Frontier
08. / 09. Metal Gear Solid
09. / 04. Gradius
10. / 00. Resident Evil 3: Last Escape