Xevious 3D/G Plus | PSNStores

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December 17th, 2014

Posted in - PS3 - PSP - Vita

Ratings Watch: Xevious 3D/G Plus, Nihilumbra and more

This is a special edition of Ratings Watch. Usually we highlight one or two projects that the classification boards have let out early, but today we have a handful of new PSone Classics and PSN games. PSone Classics Aces of …


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- 1 Comment

December 17th, 2014

Posted in - PS3 - PSP - Vita

Ratings Watch: Xevious 3D/G Plus, Nihilumbra and more

This is a special edition of Ratings Watch. Usually we highlight one or two projects that the classification boards have let out early, but today we have a handful of new PSone Classics and PSN games. PSone Classics Aces of …


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