PlayStation Store PLAY 2015 | PSNStores

PlayStation Store PLAY 2015

Posted by on July 16th, 2015 | 1 Comment | Tags:

Next week kicks off the annual PlayStation Store PLAY promotion. This year PLAY features Journey, N++, GALAK-Z, and Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture.

Date Game PS+ Pre-Order Price Regular Price
July 21st Journey $11.99 $14.99
July 28th N++ $15.99 $19.99
August 4th GALAK-Z $15.99 $19.99
August 11th Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture $15.99 $19.99

If you purchase at least two of the games above you’ll receive a voucher for 10% off the total of your cart on the PlayStation Store. (Coupon will be delivered by September 1st.)

What do you think about this year’s PSN PLAY lineup? Which game are you most excited about?

[Source: US PlayStation Blog]