Stealth Inc. 2 Officially Announced For PlayStation Release In April | PSNStores

Stealth Inc. 2 Officially Announced For PlayStation Release In April

Posted by on March 2nd, 2015 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

There’s been a few hints that Stealth Inc. 2 was heading to PlayStation, from a supposed leaked ESRB rating and a recent trophy appearance on Exophase. Today Curve Digital officially announced that come April, the formerly Wii U exclusive sequel to the sneaky platformer will be available on PS4, PS Vita and PS3. Stealth Inc. 2: A Game of Clones builds upon the original’s gameplay by adding several new gadgets to test and most importantly, opening the game’s design to a Metroidvania-style open world.

In an interview with The Sixth Axis, Jonathan Biddle, Design Director at Curve, admits that the second screen co-op seen in the Wii U version won’t be replicated on PlayStation due to the costs associated with implementing a Vita and PS4/PS3 solution. The co-op on Wii U allowed one user to play the game exclusively using the Wii U gamepad while another player was on a standard controller.

Curve didn’t share an exact release date or pricing details.