Rocket League headed to PS4 next Spring | PSNStores

Rocket League headed to PS4 next Spring

Posted by on December 2nd, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Six years after its release Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars is getting a sequel. (For a refresher the game was a pretty cool combination of soccer and racing.) Rocket League is the product of fan feedback and the chance to improve the original Battle-Cars “in nearly every possible way”. Some of these improvements include:

– Improved physics, faster gameplay, and infinitely better visuals
– An all-new Season Mode with unlockable items, multiple arenas, and more
– The return of 2-, 3- and 4-player split-screen
– More vehicles, new stadiums, and more than 100 customization items
– Dedicated gameplay servers
– A broadcast-quality replay feature that enables players to create their own custom replays of entire games from any camera angle they want
– Even more surprises that we’ll reveal closer to release

If you’re attending the PlayStation Experience this weekend you can check out Rocket League on the show floor.