Indie RPG Y2K Announced for PS4, PS Vita
Posted by on November 10th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags: Ackk Studios , Y2K
Earlier this year, it was announced that Ackk Studios was bringing the Japanese-style RPG Y2K to Unity powered platforms. Today the developers have announced that the game will be coming to PS4 and PS Vita.
The game follows college graduate Alex Eggleston as he goes to a 1990’s message-board to investigate the death of a young woman. His quest leads to a mysterious van called, the “Death Cab”.
Inspiration comes from the “Mother” series, which includes quirky characters and an intriguing story. The game is very story driven, with a 400-page script.
Enemies in the game only appear once, given that you beat them. Once the enemy is defeated, they are gone forever. If you still need to grind for experience points for a boss fight, you can enter the Mind Dungeon, which exists only for grinding.
An early build of the game will be shown at the PlayStation Experience in Las Vegas. Currently Ackk Studios is hoping to release the game in late 2015 or early 2016.
[Source: US PlayStation Blog]