Here’s some Share Play footage and impressions | PSNStores

Here’s some Share Play footage and impressions

Posted by on November 3rd, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:

A couple nights ago Brad and I took turns with Share Play to see how the feature worked. In the video above you’ll see myself sharing Chariot and Escape Goat 2 with Brad. We then switch sides as Brad shares Sportsfriends, inFamous First Light, and Towerfall with me. The video above has some of our impressions, but you’ll see a noticeable drop in quality on my side when I’m streaming Brad’s games. Most notable is inFamous First Light which quickly becomes completely unplayable. Brad, who says Share Play worked pretty good on his side, is on a wired connection while I’m on wireless. (Considering PlaySation Now works great for me I was kind of surprised how poor Share Play was on my side.) Naturally this video isn’t a super in depth test of Share Play so my issues particularly with inFamous could be the cause of any number of things.

We’ve also run into some issues getting Surgeon Simulator specifically to allow us to Share Play. The game simply gives a screen saying that the content can not be viewed because of my ‘country or region’. (Which is odd as Brad and I both live in the same state.) I’ve also experienced games like Chariot not allowing for Share Play one day and then working fine the next.

When it does work Share Play feels like the future. Much like PlayStation Now it’s such a weird and cool feature that has a ton of potential sometime down the road. Hopefully the stability improves as time goes on.