Resident Evil remake rears its ugly head on PS3 and PS4 in early 2015
Posted by Nick K on August 5th, 2014 | 4 Comments | Tags: Resident Evil
An itsy bitsy video game publisher named Capcom has announced that one of its smallest franchises is getting another redux. Resident Evil has sold over 61M copies since the franchise made its debut in 1996. I remember it like it was yesterday, literally, because my friends and I were huddled in my buddy’s living room. Mouths agape waiting with bated breathe as the first zombie slooooowly rolled its head around toward the camera. Four teenage boys screamed like 9 year old girls that just saw a lizard that night.
Capcom is quick to point out that this is a complete revisit of the 2002 remake released on re-Nintendo re-GameCube. The obvious enhancements over the unoriginal original being graphics and textures brought up to 1080p, sound redone in 5.1, and control input options offering original and modern.
Furthermore, we can all choose to play the game in 4:3 or 16:9 format. Now kids, 4:3 is the aspect ratio OLD PEOPLE are used to watching TV and playing games in. It kinda looks like a square which can be a blanket metaphor for their childhood… my childhood. Everyone looking to revisit the original Raccoon City “survival horror” adventure that started it all, look for it to come to PS3 and PS4 sometime in early 2015.
Thanks Capcom, for the heads up!