Journey and The Unfinished Swan Coming to PS4 | PSNStores

Journey and The Unfinished Swan Coming to PS4

Posted by on August 12th, 2014 | 1 Comment | Tags: ,

Two of the most critically acclaimed PS3 games, Journey and The Unfinished Swan will be making their way to the PS4 sometime in the future. Both teams want to bring their games to another generation of gamers, and inspire awe and wonder in all of them.

Not much about the games was revealed in the post, but a lot of information was revealed in the comments by Aaron Kaufman. When asked about framerate he said , “the team is targeting 60 fps” and when cross-buy was brought up he said that, “There is cross buy available, no worries!”. Also, he never agreed to working on a Vita version, but never shot it down either. We can only hope.

Are you excited to try, or play these games again on PS4? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]