Red Goddess Funded, Coming to PlayStation Platforms
Posted by Eric G on May 26th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:
Yanim Studio’s Red Goddess was recently funded and confirmed to release on PlayStation 4 and Vita. It’s a puzzle platformer with an interesting “character ball” swapping mechanic. At any point in the game, it seems, you can toss one of the three playable characters (in the form of a ball) and then swap to her. This opens up a ton of puzzling potential, with some cool combat options to boot. It also looks like the game has an interesting story, with the player taking control of a goddess in a world constructed of her thoughts.
The game’s Kickstarter has over a week left to reach its stretch goals. Check it out and back it if that’s what you’re into.
Look for more information including a release window and price in the coming months.