New DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition Details | PSNStores

New DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition Details

Posted by on May 9th, 2014 | 0 Comments | Tags:

Last week, DRIVECLUB was finally given a firm release date of October 7th after originally planning to come out as a PS4 launch title. This week new details on the PlayStation Plus version of DRIVECLUB have been revealed.

An active PlayStation Plus subscription entitles you to download DRIVECLUB PS Plus Edition for free. This edition comes with the India location, 11 tracks, 10 cars, and access to all game modes. There is an option to upgrade the PS Plus Edition to the full version at a slight discount of $10 off the $59.99 price, which will then give you access to all five locations, 55 tracks, 50 cars, and all tour events.

Originally if you upgrade to the full version and your PS Plus subscription ends, you would not be entitled to any version of the game. However, after backlash, an update was given today.

Our priority for DRIVECLUB is to enable you to play and enjoy everything it has to offer and PlayStation recognises that the prior plan for DRIVECLUB entitlement for the upgrade to the PS Plus edition was not appropriate. As a result, we have adjusted the PlayStation Plus terms for DRIVECLUB.

Now, If you intend on downloading DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition, and upgrading to the full game experience, you will have access to the full game even if your PlayStation Plus subscription runs out.

It was nice to see Sony reverse their decision after fan feedback, and it shows that companies do listen to customers.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]